“In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let … GREEN LANTERN – Blu-ray review
Note: In the following joint Blu-ray review both John and Justin provide their … AIRPLANE! – Blu-ray review
Although Marvel released the first X-Men comics in 1963, I didn’t buy any of them. … X-MEN: FIRST CLASS – Blu-ray review
The legend of King Arthur has been told countless times and through numerous … CAMELOT (TV SERIES) – Blu-ray review
As I wrote in my Season 2 review, the “Sons of Anarchy” are … SONS OF ANARCHY (TV SERIES) – Blu-ray review
After British actor Dirk Bogarde’s rise to stardom in the light comedy “Doctor … CAMPBELL’S KINGDOM – Blu-ray review
It was the favorite movie of “Cheers” barflies Norm and Cliff, who “na-na-na’ed” … MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, THE – Blu-ray review
Tim Burton, who always looks as if he’s wearing 3D glasses, told the … NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, THE – DVD review