I don’t know where they’re headquartered, but there’s an I Hate Adam Sandler … WATERBOY, THE – Blu-ray review
Criterion has used the month of June to release three of the most … MY DINNER WITH ANDRE – DVD review
Note: In the following joint Blu-ray review both John and Eddie provide their … FATAL ATTRACTION – Blu-ray review
How many big-name Hollywood filmmakers does it take to create a humdrum romantic … HE’S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU – DVD review
1999 was a virtual reality kind of year, at least in Hollywood. “The … THIRTEENTH FLOOR, THE – Blu-ray review
At about the same time, two different studios released films on Blu-ray about … FALLING DOWN – Blu-ray review
Note: In the following joint DVD review, both John and Eddie provide their … NICHOLAS SPARKS FILM COLLECTION – DVD review
You know how you sometimes watch a really good film that leaves a … AMERICAN HISTORY X – Blu-ray review
I was thinking recently of all the billions of things in the world … STRANGE WILDERNESS – Blu-ray review